Age - 2-4
Amount of bricks and tracks?
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The core connector to use is the Basis Connector. It is also the simplest and most intuitive to use for young children.
It can be set on top of bricks (e.g. DUPLO®, BiOBUDDi and similar).
Wooden train tracks can then be connected to the Basis connector, so the tracks can be built to great heights.
The direction changes works in the same way, but have the same kind of train connector on “both sides”.
All the connectors have in common, that there is a bit of built-in slack in the train parts, so the different brands of wooden tracks and different generations can connect properly. (they vary a bit in size)
The connector design furthermore allows for placing the connector in the middle of bricks and larger plates.
The Basis connector is the simplest of the Track Connectors, and is the most easy to use for smaller children. And it is the bread and butter of great wooden train track constructions.
An awesome feature of the Basis connector, is the hole has been deepened and the tip has been slightly lowered which works together with the slack, to allow for building upwards (or downwards) with normal wooden tracks. Both curved and straight tracks.
This principle also applies to direction changers.
Happy building!